Friday, June 5, 2015

Jeremiah 33:3: God's Phone Number. Author Answers The Call, Accepts Invitation to Exciting Journey With Christ!

The Journey--Day 1,046
During my quiet time with God the other
morning, I started my routine, pulling out my journal, ready to start jotting my thoughts down. Being the type who loves to record history, I begin each journal entry by citing the date and time:

Wednesday, June 3, 1015 -- Day 1,046
7:20 a.m.

For some reason, when I recorded the "Day"--Day 1,046--I paused.  Day 1,046 marks the one-thousandth, forty-sixth Day of the Journey with Christ.

It  was 1,046 days ago yesterday that I'd hit bottom. Not in a literal sense as in lying in an alley somewhere, destitute and rummaging through garbage for food. I mean I spiritually bottomed out.

 I remember the day well. It was the end of May, 2012. The second anniversary of my divorce was just a few months away, and everything inside me was dead. My work in the prison ministry was rare and routine; I was drinking too much; I was struggling daily to work on the book, Rescued Not Arrested. The book didn't even have a title at the time. It was a blur; a concept; random files on a hard drive. Every morning I would drag myself to the keyboard, coffee cup in hand, and write in a hang-over haze. I could barely able make the words out on the screen as I typed, the clicking of the keyboard sounding like cannons exploding in my ears, reverberating the swollen blood vessels of my brain against the cranium walls.

I was a mess.

The Arizona summer was fast approaching, the weather tipping on the verge of triple digits. Mid-morning I was at the at the office, staring at the computer screen. My cubicle walls were closing in on me. The ringing phones roared in my head. I needed to get out.

The weather was nice enough to take a stroll to the park near the office.  I sat on a bench at the bend in the running track. Out on the track was a lone runner, finishing his jog, now stretching and finishing his exercise routine. I'd never seen him there before. The track is usually busy with people I recognize--fellow employees taking a mid-morning break to stroll or jog the track.

My Spirit was downcast. I sat there for a long time, trying to pray, but the words wouldn't come. Suddenly, over my shoulder I heard someone way, "You need prayer, don't you?"

I looked up and saw it was the jogger. I wasn't in the mood for company. Not from friends or  acquaintances--and certainly not from a complete stranger. But I heard myself say, "Yeah.".

He sat down on the bench and put his arm around me and prayed. He really didn't have much more to say after his prayer. He just bid me blessings in a perfunctory voice and left with a smile on his face.

I am certain he was an angel.

God's Word promises in Hebrews 13:2, "Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it". I have no hard evidence to confirm his angelic credentials, but I as I got up to head back to the office, I felt my Spirit slowly begin to rise. Also, I had never seen him there before--and have never seen him since.

God's Phone Number: "Call on Me and I will answer you..."
The next morning I felt a rejuvenation in my Spirit. My morning time with God led me to God's phone number, Jeremiah 33:33: "Call on Me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know."

I suddenly felt that this was not just a call to listen to Him. This was an invitation. An invitation to start a Journey with Him.

I felt a conviction from Him that morning. Jesus pointed out to me this was our 30th anniversary together. Thirty years ago in 2012, I had given my life to Him. But those 30 years had simply been a walk. Sometimes a stroll. Other times a snooze.

This time, He was revealing to me that life with Him is intended to be an exciting journey!

And so I marked in my Journal:
The Journey:
Day 1

And I wrote: "Life with Christ is an adventure--a journey. I am marking this date as a new phase in my life--titling the next series of journal entries, 'The Journey'."    

The Journey over the last 1,046 days has gone through many phases and at many times has been far from perfect. But the Journey marked my surrendering all of my battles to God.  I reinvigorated my jail ministry, set an aggressive writing schedule, and entered a recovery program. I now have a good measure of sobriety behind me, received a promotion at work, and am surrounded by awesome warriors in Christ's army. Most notably, on November 18, 2012, I sent the following text to my best friend:

The manuscript, Rescued Not Arrested, was finished. By Fall of 2014--October 22, 2014 to be exact--I reached my dream of becoming a published author! 

The good news is, after 1,046 days, the Journey is just beginning.The better news is--it's an eteral Journey.

Are you ready to begin your journey with Christ? Are you ready to surrender your goals, desires, talents, and ambitions to the One who promises in Psalm 139:16 "all the days ordained for (you) were written in (His) book before one of them came to be"?

In his book, The Circle Maker, Pastor Mark Batterson quotes his grandmother who used to say, "You can't always sometimes tell."

The journey with God is full wonderful surprises--anything can happen! I hope you are ready to begin your journey today. Try it--you can't always sometimes tell...

And when you hit those mile markers and want to share your success text, feel free to share with us here on this blog or with my at

Enjoy the Journey--bon voyage!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Transformed by the Loving Hands of the Potter

As a badged volunteer with the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office, I have an opportunity to mentor inmates in the jails through the Rescued Not Arrested Prison Ministry. Requests for mentoring are made by the inmates through a "tank order", processed through the jail chaplain.

I never go into a mentoring session with a new mentee with a set script or message in mind because mentoring county jail inmates is much more dicey and unpredictable than department of corrections. The jail inmate's situation is fresh and raw. As the legal system's process unfolds around them, uncertainty looms--and the fear is palatable.

However, without fail, somewhere in my first session I deliver a message that their situation is an opportunity to hear God's voice. My aim is to help them realize, despite the darkness of their situation, that God really has rescued them from the certain destruction that their path was on prior to arrest. One message that I like to deliver comes from God's word in the Book of Jeremiah--the Potter's House. Recently,  I started using this message in Rescued Not Arrested's mail mentoring program as well. Below is a message that I shared in a recent letter to an inmate at the Arizona Department of Corrections:   

Hello, Brother Enrique, 

As I read your letter, I wanted to share with you something from God’s word that I found inspiring. If you open your Bible to Jeremiah 18:1-6, it says: “This is the word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord: ‘Go down to the potter’s house, and there I will give you my message.’ So I went down to the potter’s house, and I saw him working at the wheel. But the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him. Then the word of the Lord came to me. He said, ‘Can I not do with you, Israel as this potter does?’ declares the Lord. ‘Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, Israel.’

I like this message because it reminds me of how we are all like clay in the loving hands of God the creator. I imagine the potter’s workshop, surrounded by the most beautiful and lovingly created pots on display, each with its own special place on the shelf. The pot he is working on has a special spot already designated for it up among the pots, but it is not finished yet. The potter is shaping it and lovingly working on it, getting it ready for its place amongst his beautiful creations. Wherever the pot gets out of shape or sags, the potter carefully fixes its imperfections and re-shapes it according his plan. No matter how often the pot gets out of shape or marred, the potter can fix it and re-shape it as long as the clay stays soft in his hands. 

We are the same way. As long as we stay soft and willing to submit to the caring hands of God, He can re-shape and smooth out all of our defects. It is when we become hard—when our hearts are hardened—that it becomes impossible for God to shape us. When we do become hardened, God allows things to come into our lives to soften us so that we once again can become as clay in His loving hands.

I am looking forward to hearing back from you and continuing serving with you in God’s victorious army! 

Your brother in Christ,


Is there a situation in your life that has hardened your heart to God? Is God trying to use it to soften you so that He can come in and lovingly shape you for the purpose that He has planned for you life? God allows us to break for a reason. Sometimes we have become so hardened that the only way God can soften us is to allow some heat to come into our lives so that we can once again become soft in his loving and transforming hands.

Trust your life in the loving hands of the Potter. He has promised to finish all things that He has started--and He has a spot designated just for you amongst all of the beautiful creations He has on display in His House.

God Bless.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Author's Testimony--Broken and Renewed by the Loving Hands of Christ

I was blessed to discover my God-given writing talent at an early age. Before the age of sixteen I had written my first full-length novel. It was a crime novel, steeped in gang violence, a subject that for some reason fascinated me as a young boy. When I heard my calling into ministry, God used my writing talents to write skits and productions for Children’s ministry. But my true passion continued to be writing about crime. My mystery-suspense novels were far from Christian-based—rooted in the values of a crooked and fallen world. Little did I know that the day I had met a twelve-time felon by the name of Roger Munchian how God was about to turn my talents for writing crime fiction from entertaining the world to serving His eternal Kingdom. 

While in ministry with our home church, CCV, my wife at the time and I had joined a CCV neighborhood group, the group to which Roger belonged. A week rarely went by when Roger would not share his testimony as a former drug lord living a fast and reckless life. I was inspired by how God used a speeding car, a sharp highway curve, and an 85 mph impact with a barrier wall to slow him down—and to get his attention. It was the kind of swashbuckling intrigue that I loved to write about. Wow, of all of the hundreds of crime-filled pages I had written, of all the hundreds-of-thousands of thuggish words I had penned—Roger’s life-story was one that I could not make up. The real life Roger had lived was one way beyond even this crime writer’s wildest imagination.  

When our paths crossed, Roger was just starting in his prison ministry. He was mentoring just a few inmates a week at the Maricopa County jails and had no volunteers. But when his testimony was published in Prison Living Magazine and circulated throughout the County system, hundreds of requests a week were pouring in for mentoring. During one neighborhood group meeting, he shared a vision that if God could reach hundreds of incarcerated lives through one magazine article circulating in the prison system—think of what He could do with a full-length story. God nudged me to approach him. This was a powerful testimony. Certainly he had dozens of authors vying to write his story. When I nervously asked him if he had a writer on the project he said no, then told me one woman had started writing his story, but abandoned the project after her marriage came under attack by the Enemy. He gave me a copy of the unfinished manuscript and told me that if this was something that I wanted to take on, to let him know.

On vacation, my wife and I went on a SCUBA diving trip down to the Turks and Caicos and I took the half-written manuscript with me to read. Dear Brother or Sister, I never had a more powerful vision as to what God wanted me to do as I had during that trip. See, I had run a very successful Executive Search business for over 17 years, but at the time we were on the cusp of the 2009 Financial Meltdown. We owned two homes—upside down on both, and investment property up in Northern Arizona that had plummeted in value. Deep down, I knew that my business was done. But I felt a rush of peace after getting the vision, God telling me, “I’ve blessed your career and your business all these years, and you’ve remained faithful in the gift of writing I gave you. This is what I want you doing now. Trust me. I will provide.”

My wife, sadly, did not get the memo on that. When I took on the project, I did not realize that in writing Roger’s story—my own story was about to become a testimony as well.
So this is where my story really begins.

In Matthew 14:22-32 Jesus sent the disciples ahead of Him across the Sea of Galilee—on their first mission trip, so to speak, without him physically there with them. They obeyed, and immediately came under Satan’s attack with a ferocious storm. I believe that’s what
happened to me. After I started the project, the storm hit: we lost both of our homes and my business flat-lined. But I pressed on, and not only did God have me writing Roger’s testimony, He also called me into prison ministry. I became a badged clergy volunteer for the Maricopa County Sheriff’s office in Arizona, and my faith, knowledge, and walk with Christ grew deeper by mentoring inmates in the dark places of the Maricopa County jail system.

After over fifteen years in Children’s ministry, the truth of Hebrews 5:12-14 was revealed to me: “In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God’s word all over again. You need milk, not solid food! Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil” (New International).  Fifteen years of ministry and I was still drinking the milk like an infant in Christ. God convicted me that if I was going to be reaching the lost in dark places like the county jails, I needed to learn to eat the solid food of the truth in Jesus Christ.    

But the storm intensified. My wife decided to leave the marriage.  Forced to move out, everything I owned, except what I could fit in a 5x8 storage unit and in the back of my truck, was hauled off by a St. Vincent DePaul truck. Just as Satan wanted to stop the disciples ministry, he wanted to stop mine—and he pretty much succeeded. When Satan attacked the disciples with the storm, Peter at least had the guts to jump out of the boat and run to Jesus. I chose to cower in the boat and fled to the bottle. Looking at single parenthood, financial bankruptcy, and an uncertain future, I found comfort in alcohol and a reckless life-style that I thought I could keep secret.

On the outside I was a devoted father, loyal employee, and a dedicated minister. Inside, I was crushed and dying, self-medicating with alcohol and out carousing in unhealthy, reckless relationships that I thought could fix my shattered heart and fill the excruciating void that divorce leaves deep in the soul. I remember leaving the barstool one evening to attend a prison ministry meeting, stuffing my mouth full of breath mints and peppermint candies, fooling myself, thinking I could mask the smell of booze. Roger was not fooled. The next day when he called call me out on my behavior, I thought he would be furious with
me. Instead, he simply said:
“Joe, I love you, brother. I am worried about you.”
“I am dead inside, Roger. I am sorry I let you down. I am so, so dead inside.”
“You did not let me down, Joe. I am here to talk if you need me.”
This is the genuine heart of Roger Munchian—full of the kind of unconditional love and compassion that can only come from an unwavering walk with Christ. 

I did take Roger up on his offer to talk. However, it was simply to tell him that I was stepping down from the prison ministry. But I did not want to quit writing his story. Something deep down inside me—deep below the deadness and decay I felt in my heart and soul—did not want to give up on the book, and I did not want Roger to find another author to pick up yet another failed attempt to write his story. Yet even though I told him I was still working on the book—I really wasn’t.  I’d type a few sentences here and there between hangovers and self-pity, but it really wasn’t going anywhere. 

But God never gave up on me. Pealing my hungover eyes open one morning, I watched Joyce Meyers preaching the message about the Bethesda pool in John 5:8 where Jesus looked at the invalid and said “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.” God telling me to “Get up! You’re acting like this thing has crippled you. Get up—pick up your troubles and get to work.” 

picked up my mat, but the toxin of booze did not let me get very far. I eventually showed up at Roger’s home ready to tell him that I was calling it quits. But before I could get the words out, he opened up Acts 22:10 where Paul had just been knocked flat on his back. Paul asked Jesus “What shall I do?”  Jesus simply answered, “Get up, Paul.” Jesus again telling me, “GET UP!”  

This time I got up. When I told Roger that I wanted to get back into prison ministry, I thought I would have to go through the process of getting my volunteer badge renewed. To my surprise, Roger told me that he never cancelled my badge. 
He said, “I knew you would be coming back.” 
Typical Roger. He had faith in me even though I had given up on myself.

Finding a flash of hope, I started forcing myself to get up early every morning and pushed forward with the book. My appointment with God was the insane hours of 4:30 to 6:00 every morning. Each morning I woke up without a clue as to what I was going to write. Re-vitalized only with the smell of coffee and a shot from God’s Word, I sat down at the keyboard and let the Holy Spirit take over. To my
amazement, the words poured across my screen. Morning after morning God filled the pages with words of His choosing, not mine. I have never experienced such a presence of the Holy Spirit. After several incredible months of this—after day after day of feeling God’s workmanship through my finger-tips tapping the keyboard—I wrote the two most cherished words of any author: “The End”.

The book was finished, but my own journey to sobriety was only beginning. Every day is a new day of victory in Jesus Christ over alcohol. As with anyone with an addiction, it is a not an easy struggle, but as long as I take up my mat daily, He gives me the strength to make it through—reminding me that He has rescued me from the chains of my own making. He has also delivered me from my desire to seek recklessness relationships—delivered me and rescued me before I got arrested or faced the destruction that was the certain destination of the secret road I was traveling. Only He knew where that dark and lonely road was headed—and He chose to rescue me. I will stay rescued as long as I stay grateful, seek first His Kingdom, and keep my feet firmly planted on the path that He ordained for me. His path. Not my path. His will. Not my will. As God promises in Proverbs 16:9, “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps” (New International Version). 

I’ve seen God do incredible things serving in jail ministry.  I’ve seen the bulkiest, tattoo-covered men who have seen nothing but blood and murder all their lives completely break down, shedding tears they have not likely shed since the doctor first smacked them on the behind at birth. I’ve seen prison gang leaders turn from the iron-fisted leadership of violence and brute intimidation to leading jail pods
of hundreds of chained men in prayer. I got to listen to a young inmate, barely in his twenties, saying “I can face the next twenty-eight years in prison. But what I can’t face is eternity in Hell, and there’s nothing I can do about it. I am going to Hell for what I have done.”  I got to see palpable fear and excruciation in his eyes dissipate to peace and joy when I told him, “Hell is not for you! You belong to Jesus Christ—He paid the price of His blood for you to be with Him. There is nothing you have done that cannot be forgiven by His blood.” I got to see the complete transformation—to literally feel the shroud of evil lift from him—as he accepted Christ that day. I will never forget the joy on his face, the new bounce in his step as he danced back to his cell, Bible in his hand, a new citizen of Christ’s Kingdom. 

Rescued—not arrested.

Outside I watch the evening news and see a broken and lost world. Behind the razor wire and cold cinderblock walls of the jails—I see true revival!  

Most importantly, I have seen my own life turn around. This ministry is reaching people on both sides of the prison walls. I am looking forward to seeing what Jesus Christ has next for me on this incredible journey, and I am looking forward to hearing from you, dear Brother or Sister in Christ. You can always reach me through or at on my contact page. I am eager to learn how our Lord and savior Jesus Christ has touched your life and has begun a permanent and eternal restoration that can only come from the one true Master.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Author Humbled by Five-Star Review From Behind Bars

I continue to be humbled by the 5 Star reviews Rescued Not Arrested is receiving out on Amazon. But what is even more humbling is when we receive letters from inmates expressing the inspiration the message of how God's love and redemption changes lives. I consider these "5 Star" reviews most humbling of all as they remind me of the true mission of the book and how God is using the talents on loan to me from Him for His great purpose.

Here is just a few words that Kirk, an Arizona Department of Corrections inmate, shared with us in a recent letter to Rescued Not Arrested's mail ministry:

"I have been sharing your book and the response is the same as my own: 'I could not put it down.' Very encouraging and humbling to be able to share your book and see how the Lord is reaching men with it. I loaned it to Brother Brian and one of his neighbors in his pod asked him about it and asked to read it. I don't know this inmate but I'm told he does not attend services or any Bible study. He read the entire book in a couple of days. These are not the type of guys that read books, much less that quickly. I'm excited to see how the Lord will reach the 'unreachable'!!"

Yes. The Lord is reaching the unreachable. He promises to finish what He has started, and I am humbled and eager to see how He will continue to change lives and reached the lost in even the darkest places.

Click here to read Kirk's complete letter of inspiration.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Cell-Block Circulation Periodical--Prison Living Magazine--Helps Launch Prison Ministry

Better Homes and Garden.
Outdoor Life. Car and Driver.
Prison Living Magazine.

You can find a magazine that caters to just about anything--including life behind bars. And it was a magazine with cell block circulation that really launched Roger Munchian's prison ministry.

Munchian's s vision for reaching the lost behind bars began on an Arizona Department of  Corrections medium security yard called Stiner. Medium Security in classification--maximum security in potential perils--Stiner Yard is also known as "Stick 'em Stiner" by its residents.

God gave him the vision on Stiner Yard--and set his feet in motion two year's later when he finally walked back out through the prison gates a free man. Munchian got badged for ADOC visitation, and for a short period of time, was able to go back to Stick 'em Stiner and minister--this time without wearing the ADOC orange peals. However, it was soon  discovered that Munchian's checkered past disqualified him from having visitation rights inside the ADOC system. Munchian resorted to starting his prison ministry on a smaller scale--doing one-on-one mentoring in the Maricopa County jails.

Doing one-on-one ministry was slow going at first. New mentees came to him through word-of-mouth as his reputation circulated throughout the jails. However, when his testimony and story of God's redemption was published in Prison Living Magazine, the hunger for the hope and inspiration of Munchian's story flourished. The Rescued Not Arrested ministry is now one of the largest badged volunteer organizations in the Maricopa County jail system and continues to be the largest provider of Bibles to the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office.

Click here to read the magazine article that helped launch the ministry--and was the foundational inspiration for the recently published book Rescued Not Arrested.


Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Rescued Not Arrested Continues to Receive 5 Star Reviews on Amazon!

Rescued Not Arrested the Book continues to get solid reviews! We so far have a 100% Five-Star rating out on Amazon!

Here are a few things readers have said so far:

"An interesting read to say the least. Journey into a world many of us could never imagine. The realities of some of the situations described in the book may be too much for some. But I think that's the point. In order to appreciate the good that became of Rogers life, he must take you along to experience some of the darker chapters in his life. Overall, it's a good book with a great message. I would recommend it to a friend." -- Rod in Phoenix

"Gripping and intense. A real edge-of-your-seat page turner. Amazing journey and testimony!"  --Jenny R

"If you have a loved one that took or is going down the wrong path in life, this might be the book they need to read. It could save their life. While reading the book you sometime think this can't be real, this was the life this person (Roger) was living, only to find out it was and how his life had changed. As I mentioned it could be a life saver." --Thomas R

If you have read the book and wish share your thoughts, please write an Amazon review or feel free to let me know what you think via email at

Remember, 60% of the proceeds from Rescued Not Arrested book sales go directly to the Rescued Not Arrested Bible ministry. Thank you, readers, for all of your support in reaching the lost behind bars with the loving Word of God.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Thanking Dad for being my Number One Fan...

For my Dad's 75th birthday I could think of no better gift than to thank him for a lifetime of his loving inspiration and his belief in me with a signed copy of my first published book. My hockey number was #2...every time I run into a snag in life, I hear that lone voice of my number one fan in the stands cheering me on, "G-o-o-o-o-o Two!"