Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Rescued Not Arrested Continues to Receive 5 Star Reviews on Amazon!

Rescued Not Arrested the Book continues to get solid reviews! We so far have a 100% Five-Star rating out on Amazon!

Here are a few things readers have said so far:

"An interesting read to say the least. Journey into a world many of us could never imagine. The realities of some of the situations described in the book may be too much for some. But I think that's the point. In order to appreciate the good that became of Rogers life, he must take you along to experience some of the darker chapters in his life. Overall, it's a good book with a great message. I would recommend it to a friend." -- Rod in Phoenix

"Gripping and intense. A real edge-of-your-seat page turner. Amazing journey and testimony!"  --Jenny R

"If you have a loved one that took or is going down the wrong path in life, this might be the book they need to read. It could save their life. While reading the book you sometime think this can't be real, this was the life this person (Roger) was living, only to find out it was and how his life had changed. As I mentioned it could be a life saver." --Thomas R

If you have read the book and wish share your thoughts, please write an Amazon review or feel free to let me know what you think via email at joe@hjosephgammage.com.

Remember, 60% of the proceeds from Rescued Not Arrested book sales go directly to the Rescued Not Arrested Bible ministry. Thank you, readers, for all of your support in reaching the lost behind bars with the loving Word of God.

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